What is B2B Integration? It's Benefits and Top EDI Platforms

What is B2B Integration? It’s Benefits and Top EDI Platforms

B2B Integration

The business world is evolving rapidly. In today’s high-tech world, competition in the business world is reaching its peak. At this time, companies are successfully adapting to digital transformation. Like most business activities, do you want to streamline business transactions with EDI? Want to enhance B2B communication while reducing costs? We have got you covered. In this article, we will shed some detailed light on B2B integration. We will also discuss its benefits, challenges, and the best platforms. So, without any delay, here we go! 

Table of Contents

What is B2B EDI integration? 

B2B electronic data exchange integration is a method that companies use to facilitate the exchange of various business documents electronically between multiple organizations. It includes computer-to-computer exchange of business documents. These are:

  • Purchase orders
  • Invoices 
  • Shipping notices, and other transactional data 

Businesses employ established standards, like ANSI X12, EDIFACT, or XML, in B2B integration to guarantee consistency and compatibility in data interchange. By simplifying trade partner communications, EDI integration lowers manual error rates, expedites transaction times, and boosts overall productivity. As a result, 38.91–58.91% of businesses use EDI. 

It enables companies to automate several supply chain processes, from order placement to fulfilment, reducing costs and increasing data transmission accuracy. Modern organizations need to integrate their B2B EDI to stay competitive in the digital economy and streamline operations.

Importance of EDI in B2B Transactions

In B2B transactions, electronic data interchange or EDI plays a significant role by improving efficiency and streamlining communication. It also fosters collaboration between different trading partners. Did you know? The global electronic data interchange (EDI) market size was $36.52 billion in 2023 and expected to grow at a CAGR of 12% between 2024 to 2032

Market trends

Here are some importance of EDI in B2B transactions:

1. Document Exchange Foundation

The basic technology supporting trading partners’ electronic exchange of commercial documents is electronic data interchange or EDI. It allows the easy flow of information throughout the supply chain and simplifies communication.

2. Assistance with Emerging Technologies

EDI is anticipated to be the primary document exchange technology in the future. This enables advancements like:

  • Blockchain 
  • Artificial intelligence 
  • Internet of Things 

Because of its flexibility, EDI is positioned to be a vital tool for companies wishing to incorporate new technologies into their operations.

3. Integration of IoT for Instantaneous Visibility

In the future, EDI will integrate IoT sensors into shipments to improve the visibility of package conditions in almost real-time. Constant tracking of the shipment’s status is made possible by this integration, which enhances decision-making and increases responsiveness to possible issues like broken items. 

4. Blockchain Technology for Dispute Resolution and Transparency

Integrating blockchain technology into EDI information flows for shipments ensures a shared version of the truth. Resolving chargeback disputes promptly and even preventing them can be significantly aided by this shared, unchangeable record. Blockchain’s transparency promotes accountability and confidence in business-to-business transactions. 

5. Intelligent Monitoring Agents with AI

AI agents that actively track pertinent events and data related to shipments will be a feature of future EDI. By being able to recognize non-compliant events, these AI agents make proactive problem-solving possible. They can also determine whether a reship is necessary, choose the best place to get a replacement, start fresh shipments, and arrange for allowed returns.

6. Proactive Management of the Supply Chain

When IoT, blockchain, and AI are combined with EDI, a complete system for proactive supply chain management is created. Businesses may now anticipate and avert any disruptions in addition to responding to occurrences, which promotes more dependable and efficient business-to-business interactions.

Key Components of B2B EDI Integration

Some components of B2B integration are: 

1. Document types and standards 

Depending on the needs of the business and the type of transaction, there are several types and formats for EDI documents. Typical EDI document types consist of:

  • Invoices
  • Purchase Orders
  • Shipping Notices
  • Payment Remittance Advice

Organizations rely on EDI standards, which specify the format and structure of transferred data, to guarantee smooth communication between business partners. EDI standards that are often used include:

  • ANSI X12, which is primarily utilized in the US
  • EDIFACT (mostly utilized in Asia and Europe)
  • Globally utilized Universal Business Language, or UBL
  • Selecting the appropriate EDI standard for your company is crucial to facilitating effective communication with your supply chain partners and preventing expensive errors and anomalies.

2. EDI transmission methods 

Integrating B2B EDI requires the efficient, secure, and reliable transmission of electronic data. To exchange EDI data, there are a number of ways, including:

Using point-to-point connections, direct EDI refers to communication between supply chain partners. Examples of popular protocols are:

  • AS2
  • FTPS
  • SFTP 

Supply chain partners: Supply chain partners can exchange EDI data by using third-party service providers, known as EDI Value-Added Networks, or VANs.

EDI Web Services: Trading EDI data online by leveraging web-based technologies such as REST and SOAP.

3. EDI integration solutions 

Making the correct EDI integration solution choice for your company is essential to increasing overall productivity and streamlining B2B transactions. Typical EDI integration options include the following:

  • Internally developed and maintained EDI systems, which frequently call for specialized personnel and resources.
  • Managed EDI Services: Giving your EDI needs to a reliable outside vendor who handles the whole EDI procedure on your behalf.
  • Cloud-based EDI Solutions: Utilize EDI services by leveraging cloud security technology, which frequently offers more scalability and flexibility.

Benefits of B2B EDI Integration

B2B EDI Integration

Some major benefits of B2B EDI integration are: 

1. Streamlining Order Processing and Fulfillment

Fulfillment orders are completed more quickly and easily when information is exchanged more efficiently using EDI automation, including purchase orders and invoices.

2. Increasing Supply-Chain Management and Visibility

With the end-to-end visibility that EDI/B2B systems offer into supply chain operations, companies can monitor inventory, follow the progress of shipments, and forecast client demand. This shortens lead times and improves coordination.

3. Enabling Real-time Data share and Communication

Electronic data interchange (EDI) allows sharing of data in real-time across many formats, speeding up decision-making and customer service.

4. Better decision making

Businesses can get higher visibility into their supply chain by digitizing supplier interactions. Further, they can make informed decisions about managing their resources and optimizing overall processes. With systems such as EDI, the data can be accessed around different organizations. This helps to spot different trends and opportunities, ensuring you remain ahead of the competition.

5. Increasing Productivity and Efficiency

E-commerce automation and integration increase productivity by:

  • decreasing manual labor
  • cutting down on mistakes
  • removing bottlenecks
  • freeing up staff to concentrate on higher-level
  • revenue-generating tasks.

6. Enhancing Customer Happiness and Service

EDI or B2B connection facilitates improved customer service and a better overall customer experience, offering faster processing and timely shipment notifications. 

7. Improving Data Accuracy and Decreased Errors

By eliminating the necessity for human data entry, EDI/B2B solutions minimize errors and prevent expensive blunders that can cause delays and financial losses. A study says it reduces transaction errors by at least 30-40%. 

8. Business Process Automation

EDI-enabled eCommerce automation streamlines and expedites workflows by reducing the need for human intervention in several processes, including inventory control, order fulfilment, and invoicing.

9. Providing Seamless Collaboration

Thanks to EDI and B2B solutions, trade partners may communicate and work together more effectively and quickly. Standardized protocols and document formats facilitate easier access and connections with distributors, suppliers, and other stakeholders and promote efficient supply chain management.

10. Facilitating Scalability and Flexibility in Business Operations

Companies possessing EDI/B2B capabilities can expand and reorient their operations with ease thanks to integration solutions. They can quickly integrate new partners and technologies and adjust to the shifting needs of the market.

Challenges of B2B EDI Integration

B2B EDI Integration

1. Initial setup and investment 

Challenge: A substantial upfront expenditure is generally needed for B2B integration. This covers the costs of the hardware, software, and knowledgeable staff needed to set up and maintain EDI operations.

Solution: Considering the long-term advantages and efficiencies realized from EDI integration, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 EDI integration, organizations must carefully plan and budget for the upfront investments.

2. Complexity and compatibility 

Challenge: Establishing and maintaining connections with different partners can be complicated by the existence of diverse EDI standards, formats, and protocols. Variations in the technology requirements might lead to compatibility problems.

Solution: Industry-wide standardization initiatives can simplify difficult issues. It is crucial to implement solutions that provide support and maintenance of several standards and ensure that partners are informed about compatibility requirements.

3. Security and Data Privacy 

Challenge: The interchange of sensitive company data in EDI transactions raises issues of data integrity, security, and privacy. Ensuring safe data transfer becomes more challenging when meeting legal standards, particularly in highly regulated businesses or across borders.

Solution: Implement strong security measures, such as data transmission protocols and encryption. Adhere to industry rules and guidelines and explicit data privacy policies. Conduct routine audits to aid in maintaining security.

4. Partner Onboarding and acceptance 

Challenge: It might be difficult to onboard new trading partners into the EDI system and guarantee broad acceptance. The degree of EDI preparedness among partners can differ, necessitating more work and funding for integration and education. 

Solution: Throughout the onboarding process, give partners thorough training and assistance. To ensure a seamless integration, create explicit communication routes and documentation. 

5. System Integration with Existing Infrastructure

Challenge: Integrating EDI with an organization’s current infrastructure and processes might be difficult. Integration issues may arise from the intrinsic incompatibility of legacy systems.

Solution: Invest in integration programs that close the integration gap between EDI and current systems. Analyze the organization’s technological environment in detail and plan a smooth integration that causes the fewest possible disruptions.

6. Change Management 

Challenge: Employees used to traditional techniques may oppose process and workflow changes that are frequently necessary for the implementation of B2B EDI.

Solution: Give change management initiatives top priority. This includes developing communication plans, training curricula, and including important stakeholders from the outset of integration. Emphasize EDI’s advantages to promote adoption.

Top 3 EDI Platforms for Integration

1. Boomi

Dell Boomi is expert in EDI or B2B management as it supports different EDI standards such as XML, X12, EDIFACT, HC7, RosettaNet, and Tradacoms. It is known to be an extremely secure solution with continuous improvements, offering detailed reporting and trading partner communications. Dell Boomi provides API management solutions and simplifies the onboarding process. 

Key features

  • Broad Standard Support: Accommodates custom standard definitions and supports multiple EDI standards.
  • Contact Channels: Provides FTP/Secure FTP, AS2, and other channels for contact with trading partners.
  • Thorough Reporting: Enables simple error tracking and correction with the provision of thorough transaction reporting.
  • Short Onboarding: Shortens the onboarding period by enabling new partners to be onboarded more quickly. 

2. Mulesoft Anypoint

Mulesoft Anypoint is an efficient data interchange and interexchange solution. It offers a unified dashboard to expand, monitor and oversee all integration codes. These include application programming interfaces (APIs). This platform gives customers access to strong capabilities like diagnosis and debugging so they can quickly find and fix problems preventing efficient data transmission.

Key features

  • Versatile Integration Solutions: MuleSoft offers cutting-edge Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) products in addition to conventional integration solutions.
  • PI Connectivity: MuleSoft is a master at offering API connectivity, which makes it possible for different systems and apps to communicate with one another seamlessly.
  • Expanding Capabilities Portfolio: MuleSoft is dedicated to innovation and is always adding new capabilities to its portfolio.

3. Cleo Integration Cloud

CLEO is a popular platform which is making the electronic data interchange modelization in today’s time. It is flexible and may be applied to a range of integration requirements, including file-based integration, application integration, and B2B/EDI integration. But, it is among the top options for API integration and EDI mapping.

With the inclusion of further capabilities like real-time visibility, support for various formats and standards, business process automation, and connectivity with any current trading partner or application, Cleo lets you do just that.  

Key features

  • Easy-to-use Design: Cleo offers an intuitive design platform for developing and implementing integrations.
  • Managed Services: To plan and construct your integration, it provides an EDI managed services team.
  • Customization: Utilize your business expertise along with Cleo’s EDI software expertise to customize your integration.

4. Verte

Verte helps businesses to transform their 3PL fulfillment strategy. It offers multi-channel fulfillment, supply chain automation, 2 day shipping, and many other features that can help businesses streamline their order fulfillment operations and increase efficiency. This platform allows warehouses and third-party logistics to build a central network for all-in-one operations. Verte integration helps businesses reduce human errors, increase accuracy, reduce returns, and efficiently adapt to demand. Whether it’s B2B, B2C, or drop shipping, verte platform can handle fulfillment needs.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Channel Integration: It offers multi-channel integration with various sales channels, including B2B, B2C, and Dropshipping, all in one place.
  • Data Transformation and Mapping: It easily converts data into a unified standard format and ensures seamless, faster communication across systems.
  • Supply Chain Automation: It automates most of the operations and helps businesses to boost efficiency.

5. GoFlow

GoFlow is another of the best cloud-based EDI platforms for integration, which can remove all the complexities, streamline eCommerce document sharing, and confirm bulk orders at once. It provides a unified system, automated workflows, and full integration with inventory, data, shipping, and reporting in one place. It allows integration with over 200+ channels to reduce the manual task and enhance efficiency. This platform helps businesses to make all their operations smooth so that they’ll fall in love.

Key Features:

  • Effortless EDI: GoFlow helps businesses to make the operations effortless and automated. It reduces manual efforts and the risks associated with them.
  • Bulk Order Confirmation: It allows bulk order confirmation at once that helps to save time, effort and enhance efficiency. So that quantity can be easily visible.

Wide range of channel integration: It allows a wide range of channel integration with marketplaces, fulfillment centers and many more which enhance the features and streamline operations.

Looking for an end-to-end EDI Integration solution?

DreamSoft4u experts are here to help you with integration and implementation

Get a free consultation today!

Why Is Hiring an Expert for B2B EDI Integration a Better Option?

Hiring an expert for B2B integration is beneficial because of their specific training and experience. Experts lower the likelihood of expensive mistakes by assuring accuracy and efficiency and streamlining the integration process. Also, their knowledge of diverse EDI standards and protocols makes it possible for disparate corporate systems to communicate seamlessly, improving operational effectiveness. 

Furthermore, specialists may tailor 3PL software solutions to meet specific business requirements, offering flexible and scalable integrations that can accommodate future expansion. Additionally, they provide continuing maintenance and support to guarantee that the system stays current and complies with industry standards. All things considered, utilizing specialist knowledge gives businesses a competitive edge by saving time, cutting expenses, and optimizing business processes.

How Can DreamSoft4U Help You with B2B EDI Integration?

DreamSoft4U, a healthcare software development company is the ultimate solution if you need assistance with EDI mapping, document translation, or end-to-end EDI integration. From implementation to configuration, we provide top-notch solutions that minimize inefficiencies and drive success. Then, get in touch with the experts at DreamSoft4U.

Wrapping Up!

All modern looking to improve accuracy and efficiency, B2B integration is a vital component. Businesses can gain a lot from automating the interchange of business documents using standardized formats, such as quicker transaction processing, fewer errors, and cost savings. However, there are difficulties in putting EDI integration into practice. Thus, you need experts to guide you through this complex process. 


1. What are some popular methods of EDI integration? 

Some major EDI integration methods are: 

  • Local point-to-point connections 
  • Local point-to-point connections using PaaS 
  • Traditional unmanaged VANs 
  • Fully managed EDI network

2. What are some major steps in the entire EDI process? 

Creation of the document, conversion into EDI format, transmission, receiving by the trade partner, and conversion back to the partner’s internal format, alongside system integration are the essential phases.

3. List different kinds of EDI integration. 

Some common EDI integration: 

  • Direct Connection or Direct EDI integration
  • Value-Added Network (VAN)
  • Indirect EDI Integration
  • PointClickCare EHR Integration
  • Internet-based EDI services or hybrid EDI Integration

4. Give a list of industries that use B2B EDI integration 

Some major industries are Retail, Manufacturing and Healthcare. Also, there are other industries such as Logistics and Automotive.

5. What are the major benefits of B2B EDI integration? 

Gains include lower mistake rates, quicker transaction processing, and cost reductions. Businesses can increase productivity, accuracy, and business partnerships by automating data flow.

Sanjeev Agrawal

Sanjeev Agrawal

My name is Sanjeev Agrawal. I am a Director and Co-founder of Dreamsoft4u, IT Consulting Company. I am having a keen interest in the latest trends and technologies that are emerging in different domains. Being an entrepreneur in the field of the IT sector, it becomes my responsibility to aid my audience with the knowledge of the latest trends in the market.